Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec
This week's rollover is £3,500
When you are nearing the end of life, it’s the little things that can make a real difference.
Our hospice partners work tirelessly to help patients and their families make the most of every moment they have left. When you are at the stage when you are too poorly to leave the hospice, it can be a lifeline to have something exciting brought to you.
St Helena Hospice continually go above and beyond to make sure the patients they care for can make precious memories. Even if that means thinking outside of the box. To boost the morale of staff and patients, they arranged for four baby goats to pay a visit to the hospice.
Thrift Farm Holdings Limited facilitated bringing four of their three-week-old baby goats to take a day trip to the hospice. They left their mums on the farm and got to spend a few hours in the hospice meeting the staff and patients.
There is nothing like a dose of cuteness to bring a smile to the faces of those staying in the Inpatient-Unit. The staff and patients were thrilled to meet the little goats and enjoyed some cuddles before they headed back to their mums on the farm for tea. They even picked some names for each of them!
It’s moments like these that can be so important to lift the spirits of patients staying in the hospice. Giving them something to take their minds of their symptoms, and to help them enjoy the time they have left.
Hospices take care of the person as a whole and can make you feel like you are the most important person in the world. They may not be able to add days to life, but they work hard to add life to every day.
You really don’t know what a hospice can do until you need them.
St Helena Hospice receives only one third of their funding through the NHS, which means they rely on the other two thirds being raised by the local community. Without this support they won’t be able to continue providing this level of care to those who need it the most.
The current economic crisis is making it harder and harder for hospices to raise the funds they need to continue providing their services.
You can play Your Hospice Lottery for only £1 each week to make sure that St Helena Hospice have a regular income they can rely on.
Make a difference today.
If you want to find out more about the services that St Helena Hospice provide in the local community, visit their website here.