St Helena Hospice helps local people face incurable illness and bereavement, supporting them and their families, friends, and carers.
St Helena offers individual care and total support to anyone who needs it. They help local people make their own choices and live with dignity, regardless of diagnosis or personal circumstances.
On average, 11 people die each day in north east Essex. Of those who need it, only around half will have been supported by St Helena.
By playing the lottery you are helping St Helena Hospice support people like Caitlin and her family.

This means there are local people dying without the end of life care they need. More of your loved ones will die in hospital, instead of their preferred place of care, such as the Hospice or at home.
Everyone facing the end of life deserves to receive the expert and compassionate care St Helena offers. The hospice can only reach the increasing number of seriously ill people who need them with your support.
Most of the income needed to run St Helena is raised through the local community. That includes through people playing Your Hospice Lottery, giving donations, buying in St Helena shops, and leaving gifts in Wills. You can also raise vital funds for St Helena through supporting their commercial and social enterprise activities including their cleaning, arts and crafts classes and home care businesses.
St Helena Hospice needs your help now, so they can be there for the people you love.
Please play Your Hospice Lottery.
Did you know
- 4,200 local people facing incurable illness and bereavement were supported last year by St Helena.
- 41,924 calls were made to the St Helena SinglePoint 24/7 advice line in the last year from people seeking their help.
- 13,875 people played the lottery for St Helena last year, raising a whopping £806,865.
could provide a family who are in distress with expert advice and guidance over the phone from their 24/7 SinglePoint helpline.
could provide compassionate care and support to a patient in their last days of life from a clinical support worker for an hour.
could help someone struggling with their grief following the loss of a loved one, by providing vital support from one of their bereavement counsellors.
could provide patients staying at the Hospice with comfort, dignity and compassion from a clinical support worker for four hours.
How to play
Each entry to the draw costs £1. Our draws are run every week of the year, usually on a Friday. You can either set up a subscription to provide your chosen hospice with a regular and reliable income, every week of the year, or you can play as and when you want to, whatever suits you best!
Choose how many weekly entries you want to play. It’s only £1 per play!
Provide your payment details. Direct Debit or Debit Card.
Sit back and wait to see if you have won. You can also check online after every draw!
Registered Charity Number: 280919 www.sthelena.org.uk