Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec
This week's rollover is £1,000
You probably think straight away how you can help fundraise with a big one-off event. What really helps give vital income to our hospice partners, is through regular giving. A regular direct debit, by playing Your Hospice Lottery every single week, really is a vital way to help the charity that means so much to you.
While donations are greatly appreciated by non-profits at any time, studies suggest a recurring monthly donation by playing the lottery can have great benefits for both the donor and the organisation. 75% of donors will keep their direct debit plan in place across the first 6 to 12 months, with many continuing to give monthly for years. By doing this, you really get to see an impact your monthly contribution is having on the charity as well as really helping the charity to be able to plan for the future.
In recent reports, Hospice charities providing end-of-life services in partnership with the NHS have warned they will have to shut beds and sack staff because of the catastrophic impact of rising energy bills on their day-to-day running costs. Hospices, which typically rely on charitable donations for 70%-80% of their running costs, and which are intensive users of gas and electricity, have reported facing energy bill rises of up to 350%.
The small yet regular donation, creates a vital income stream that the hospice can truly rely on. This monthly giving really helps hospices budget for the future and know that they can rely on the consistency of the donation to really make a difference. As well as time, it costs a lot to find new donors every month, so relying on income every month from consistent donors makes a big impact on all nonprofit organisations.
It is with your help, and your regular direct debit, that this can help keep all their services running within the local community.
Do you really need that takeaway coffee… or can you pay to support your local hospice that is in need of support on a monthly basis. You also have the chance to win something too!