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Cransley Hospice Trust rely on the ongoing support and generosity from their local community. One family in particular have made an incredible contribution to the care provided within the hospice. Michael shares his story about his beloved father, Ken, and why today, Cransley Hospice Trust still means so much to him and his family.
Michael explained “you don’t really get a sense of what a hospice can do until you need it. And we were really lucky that when we did need it, we got everything we needed.”
In 2012, Ken was diagnosed with an aggressive form of oesophageal cancer. Coming to terms with this devastating news, Ken knew that he wanted to be at home to receive his treatments to prolong life. At the time, Michael still lived at home with his parents. “I was very against it. I didn’t want to be the one who walked in and found him dead in the morning, which I think hit home with him really hard. But he was still very against going into a hospice.”
Michael convinced his dad that he wanted to call the hospice for himself, to get some advice and help. But really, he did it for his dad, to get Ken the help he needed.
Before being admitted to Cransley Hospice, Ken had a bad night. His medication was different and things seemed to get worse. “That evening before he went to the hospice, he sat with his head on the table for six hours. He was in pain.” Ken told Michael again how adamant he was about not going to a hospice, that “you go into a hospice to die” but the nurses reassured him, and told him “You don’t. You go to a hospice to get help.”
Cransley Hospice got everything ready and in place for Ken within half an hour of their phone call. “As soon as dad walked in, they knew him by name. They introduced themselves and took him straight to his bed to get him settled in.” “He just relaxed. You could see it, as soon as he sat in his chair, next to his bed, his shoulders relaxed.”
Michael and his family couldn’t believe the level of care provided within the hospice and the difference that it had made to Ken.
“On the night that dad died, one of the nurses stayed a long time after their shift had ended to support us through a difficult night of loss.”
“Cransley Hospice will forever have a special place in all of our hearts. It is an amazing facility that helps so many families like ours through difficult times with an unrelenting level of care and support.”
Since 2013, the Dobbs’ family have been instrumental in raising an incredible amount of donations for the hospice. His sons have been, and continue to be instrumental in supporting the hospice. Michael hosts a well-attended annual charity Quiz; Richard, A teacher, raises money through school events and Andy has completed a half marathon and the London Marathon.
To support a family like Michaels – one of the best ways to support Cransley Hospice Trust is by playing Your Hospice Lottery. Your Hospice Lottery players have generated almost £1 million for the charity, It is a significant source of income, supporting end of life care within North Northamptonshire.
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