Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec
This week's rollover is £1,000
On 17th October, Your Hospice Lottery will be taking part in St Helena Hospice recruitment open day.
An ideal opportunity to come along and find out more about what it’s like to work for St Helena; meet some of the team; ask any questions you have about the charity and what it’s like to work for a Hospice and in the lottery department. We have a number of vacancies available and look forward to meeting passionate people who will make a difference.
Agenda for the day:
The event is taking place from 10am to 7pm. If you would like to come, please click here to register your interest Recruitment open day | St Helena Hospice
Want to take a look at the latest vacancies at St Helena? Click here: Work for us | St Helena Hospice