Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec
This week's rollover is £1,000
A supporter of Salisbury Hospice Charity was over the moon to find a surprise cheque for £4,250 in the post recently, thanks to winning the rollover jackpot in Your Hospice Lottery’s weekly draw.
David Houghton from Salisbury found the bonus cheque from his win in September, waiting for him when he returned from a family trip to Scotland. He said: ‘It’s lovely to get a windfall out the blue. I’ll treat the kids or something I expect; I’ve got over 30 grandchildren all told. Family is really important.
‘I pay [for the lottery] by direct debit and I forgot all about it; I never check it. When I got the cheque I thought well, that’s nice!’