Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec
This week's rollover is £1,000
With the cost of living crisis, Your Hospice Lottery has seen a significant increase in cancellations of subscriptions.
These cancellations equate to a staggering potential loss of £4.8 million* in income for our hospice partners, with 17,649 subscriptions cancelled last year. This money, that hospices so heavily rely on, has been taken away and future plans have had to be changed or removed all together as the funds are not there.
If those players had not cancelled their subscription, this money would have gone back into hospice care.
Small yet regular donations will allow hospices to carry on their essential work, providing critical care and vital support for patients and their families.
Our hospice partners rely heavily on the help and generosity from donors to provide their services; without your help, they wouldn’t be here!
Hospice care is free of charge, but some of our hospice partners only receive limited statutory funding, which is why fundraising is so important to help them continue to provide care for people who need their services; without your help, they wouldn’t be here!
You may not need the services now, but you may need them in the future and we need your help to continue them! We understand that this will be an uncertain winter for many individuals, but one thing we know is, many will still be near to the end of their life and need Hospice Care. Family members will still be facing bereavement with the awful reality of life without their loved ones, and hospices over the UK will still be there to provide support care and compassion.
Can you give just £1 a week to your local hospice to ensure these services can stay afloat?
You may think your £1 per play isn’t a lot, but if all your neighborhood were to also help and support, this joint effort together helps to really provide such essential services within your local community and really does mount up.
Times are tough right now for everyone, but hospice care really does need your help!
By paying £4.34 for 1 play in the weekly draw, £8.68 for 2 games or £13.02 for 3, this really provides an affordable yet also fun way to support your local hospice, and you also have the chance to win something too!
*Figures based on the average support that comes from a lottery player.